
so far

i'm deciding to rid my blog of its artwork.
i've been too busy for a real social life.
i lack sleep all the time.
the people at my school are overall vapid and lack true ideals.
i have no way of truly expressing how i feel anymore.
i miss my friends.
i'm too busy to even see my friends.
women are the bane of all heterosexual men.
i fancy none of them in my college.
my classes are really rad.
oil painting "is a bitch."
if i see anymore hipsters say, "let's go to a bar... they won't card me 'cause i have a fake... have you been to this club... i know i'm totally into that band... let's go to a rooftop party... i got these boots at a thrift store..." i will kill myself.

i am becoming a very bitter and angry individual.
billy you were right, i do indeed hate college.
i do indeed hate the culture that surrounds me.
i am wasting my money on school.

1 comment:

Kate Drwecka said...

I pretty much feel the same way since I got here. It's really frustrating!