
happy hands and sketches

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SVA wanted observational work.
Pratt wanted sketches.
so i gave what the people wanted.

well it's 3am, i just finished all my applications and my portfolio discs. they will be mailed out this week, i'm pretty excited. i was just at a national portfolio review day this morning. i was so nervous, it was so intense seeing kids hauling in HUGE canvases of boobies and fruit. really really talented kids, i felt like poop compared to them. but to SVA, Pratt, and Parsons as a prospective illustration major, i am excellent at what i do and my work has potential.  i may not have technique, but the three reviewers all said I show techniques of illustration.  i may not be a fine arts guy, but the SVA guy said i have a good sense of conveying themes in my pieces, which is a major plus for illustration majors.  the SVA rep said i'll shine in my classes if i work hard. he really liked me and gave me his card to set up an interview with him, he said i have a good sense of color, my pencil technique is fantastic, and my composition and use of negative space is really unique. the major negative comment from the 3 reps was the small amount of work i had, the sva guy liked me so much he wanted to see more.  nevertheless they all said my portfolio is very solid and way above average. i'm just staying positive now and crossing my fingers!

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